Gemini October 2015 horoscope

Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31
Most Stressful Days Overall: 5, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27
Best Days for Love: 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 26, 27
Best Days for Money: 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 22, 23, 26, 27
Best Days for Career: 5, 6, 14, 23, 24

On September 23, you entered another of your yearly personal pleasure peaks, which will continue until the 23rd of this month. This makes this a party kind of month, a month for fun and leisure activities. Though the month ahead is tumultuous for the world (we have two eclipses) you still manage to have fun. If we can enjoy ourselves in the midst of all kinds of crises, we have attained something great.

The Lunar Eclipse on the 8th occurs in your 11th House. This indicates a testing of friendships. Generally this happens because of dramas in friends' personal lives, and is not necessarily due to the relationship itself. But if the relationship is fundamentally flawed it can break up now. This eclipse occurs very near Uranus, the ruler of your 9th house of religion, travel and learning. Unnecessary travel abroad is best avoided now. This also shows that your religious and philosophical beliefs are getting tested (a six-month process) and many of these will be changed. Often an eclipse here produces a 'crisis of faith'. Pluto, your health and work planet, also get sideswiped by this eclipse. Thus there can be disturbances at the job or workplace, and perhaps job changes. There are changes in the overall health regime to (this is also a six-month process). Every Lunar Eclipse brings financial change and this one is no different. Generally we don't make needed changes unless there is a crisis d this is the purpose of the crisis.

Solar Eclipse of the 23rd occurs right on the cusp of the 6th house of health and work. Again this shows disturbances at the job or workplace and perhaps job changes. These changes can be with your present company or another one. It also indicates changes in the health regime and diet. Sometimes it brings health scares. Since your health is basically good, these will be nothing more than scares. If necessary, get second opinions. Communications tends to be interrupted during a Solar Eclipse and this one is no different. Cars and communication equipment get tested.

Notwithstanding the eclipse of the 23rd, health is basically good this month, and you can enhance it further in the ways mentioned in the yearly report.

Job seekers should have the good fortune from the 23rd onwards. Your 6th house becomes very powerful. You are in the mood for work and are focused on it, and this is 90 per cent of the battle. Prospective employers pick up on this.

Mars spends most of the month in the 7th house of love. You seem more aggressive in love and in social matters this period, more willing to push things. Avoid power struggles in love. This is the main danger now.

Earning power this month is strongest from the 1st to the 8th and from the 23rd onwards the Moon is waxing.

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