Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 7, 8, 20, 21, 27, 28
Best Days for Love: 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30
Best Days for Career: 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 23, 24
Your work planet Mercury has been 'out of bounds' since May 12 and remains so until the 5th of this month. This shows that job seekers are going outside their normal boundaries in search of work. Those already employed are being asked to do things outside the norm too. The same holds true for travel. It is the 'out of the way' processes untravelled attract you now. We see this same phenomenon in your health regime. You are trying things outside your normal routine. Probably this is what is necessary now.
During this month and the next, the planetary power is at its maximum western position for the year. The social life is becoming more active. There is something to be said about letting go of personal interests and personal concerns. It is like taking a vacation. There's no need to look after number one, or worry too much about number one. Keep the focus on others and their interests and number one will do very well betimes in strange and unexpected kinds of ways.
On the 21st, you enter a yearly love and social peak. Marriage, or relationships that is 'like' marriages, has been signalled in your chart since last year. Many will tie the knot this coming month. Those still unattached will not remain unattached for long. There is abundant d unhappy nice opportunity. Your social magnetism is strong all month but will be stronger from the 1st to the 13th and from the 27th to the 30th. The new Moon of the 27th is especially good for love. It will also clarify the love life well into next month. Whatever information is needed to make good love and social decisions will come naturally.
Health needs more attention after the 21st. Enhance the health in the ways mentioned in the yearly report, but during this period pay special attention to the stomach and diet (until the 18th) and the arts, shoulders, lungs and respiratory system after that date. The good news is that your health house is still powerful after the 21st and you are on the case.
Mercury goes retrograde on the 7th. Thus, job seekers need to be more cautious after then. There are many job opportunities this
Month, but things might not be as they seem. Get more facts. If you are travelling to foreign destinations, it's best to do so before the 7th if you can. If this is not possible, protect yourself as best you can. Allow more time getting to and from your destination, and insure your tickets. Changes in the health regime need more research after the 7th and diagnoses and tests done after the 7th need verification. They could be inaccurate.