Libra July 2015 horoscope

Best Days Overall: 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 22, 23
Most Stressful Days Overall: 11, 12, 17, 18, 24, 25
Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 17, 18, 24, 25
Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, 27, 29, 30
Best Days for Career: 7, 8, 15, 16, 24, 25, 27

There are many changes happening in your horoscope this month portion changes.

The planetary power shifts from the social Western to the independent eastern sector on the 18th. This is a decisive shift. The eastern sector starts to dominate. You are entering a period of personal independence. Libras, in general, are 'other-oriented' people. They don't much care for personal independence. Relationships are everything to them, and the ability to 'stand on one's own feet' stand alone if unnecessary s to be lacking in them. This is a time when you get to work on this to develop more of this quality. Now is the time to ask yourself what makes you happy. Never mind what pleases others or what the social norms are what makes me happy? '? What is my personal path of bliss? Once this is understood, you should pursue it now and create the conditions that make for this.

Jupiter makes a major move out of your 10th house into the 11th house of friendships on the 17th. By then the short-term career goals should have been achieved, and good progress should have been made towards your long-term goals as well. You enter a more social period now.

Mars, your love planet, has been in your own sign since the beginning of the year. Now he moves (on the 18th) into Scorpio, your money house. This is a positive signal for finance. You have the help of your spouse, partner or current love d also of friends. A business partnership or joint venture can happen as well. Since Mars has been in opposition to Uranus more or less all year, the love life now becomes a bit more stable too. Not completely stable, but more stable than it has been this year.

Mars's move indicates a change in the love life and loves attitudes. Wealth becomes a factor in love after the 18th. You are attracted to the rich, to the good providers. Romantic opportunities happen as you pursue your financial goals or with people involved in your finances. The sexual compatibility becomes more important.
There is good news on the health front too. You still need to watch your health until the 18th view our discussion of last month

 On 17th Jupiter leaves his stressful aspect and starts to make harmonious aspects with you. Mars leaving your sign on the 18th is also good for your health care is less likelihood of accidents or injury. On the 22nd, Sun will leave his stressful aspect and start to make harmonious aspects too. By the end of the month, you will feel healthier than you've felt all year.

Read free Libra Monthly  2015 horoscope  for your zodiac sign