Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 14, 15, 24, 25
Most Stressful Days Overall: 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27
Best Days for Love: 3, 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 22, 23, 31
Best Days for Money: 7, 8, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28
Best Days for Career: 7, 8, 17, 18, 26, 27
Mars, your financial planet, is still in your 10th house for most of the month ahead, until the 26th. Review our discussion of last month is as much still applies now. However, on September 30th Mars went 'out of bounds' and remains so for all of this month. There are many scenarios as to exactly what will happen. Basically you are going into unknown territory in the pursuit of earnings, into new markets and areas outside your normal boundaries. Sometimes this is necessary. It could be that your bosses, parents or parent figures are instigating this. In finance, you are taking the 'road less travelled'. (Once you travel it however, you find that many others have also gone down this road.) You seem personally uncomfortable with this itch would be natural.
There are two eclipses this month. The world at large is shaken up, but you seem relatively unscathed. You are certainly affected by them, but not as badly as you could be.
Lunar Eclipse of the 8th occurs in your money house. This brings financial changes: changes of direction, changes in strategy, and changes of thinking. (Keep in mind that your financial planet is 'out of bounds' as this eclipse occurs.) Often these involve changing investments, banks, brokers or financial planners. There are dramas in the lives of the money people in your world. Uranus is directly affected and thus there are important spiritual changes happening, in practices, teachers, teachings and attitudes. There are dramas in the lives of gurus and in spiritual organizations you belong to. Every Lunar eclipse affects children and children figures in your life. They should reduce their schedules over this period. Speculations are best avoided as well. Those of you in the creative arts (and many Pisceans are) will make important changes too. Your creativity will start to take a new turn.
Solar Eclipse of the 23rd occurs right on the cusp of your 9th house. Gratuitous foreign travel is best avoided for the few days before and after the eclipse. Your 9th house strong this month, many of you will be travelling, but try to schedule your trips around this period. This eclipses ties in with the spiritual changes that we see. It will test your religious and philosophical beliefs. It will force you to re-evaluate and modify these things over the next six months. And, as you do so, your whole life changes. Ultimately, philosophy and religion trump psychology.
Every Solar eclipse affects the health, the job and the workplace. This is because the Sun, the eclipsed planet, rules these things in your chart. Health is basically good right now, so any health scores are likely to be no more than that is. However, there is instability in the workplace and with employees (if you have them). Job changes often happen as well.