Aries November 2015 horoscope

Best Days Overall: 4, 5, 13, 14, 22, 23 
Most Stressful Days Overall: 10, 11, 18, 19, 25, 26 
Best Days for Love: 2, 3, 11, 12, 18, 19, 22, 23 
Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23 
Best Days for Career: 3, 11, 12, 21, 25, 26, 30

The view from the top has its good points. You are strong, effective and in charge. You are seen as successful. You have honour and respect. But there are some downsides to all of this too. You are more of a target for competitors, associates and those under you. You are like a lightning rod. This needs to be handled ‘just so’. Do your best to avoid confrontations, especially from the 8th to the 16th. Avoid risk-taking activities then too, and drive more carefully.

Your 8th house is very strong this month (it was strong last month too) and Mars is travelling with Pluto. Therefore surgery might be recommended to you. This doesn’t mean that you have to have it – it is always good to get a second opinion. Also there will be more confrontations with death – not literal, personal death but psychological confrontations. Perhaps you have some ‘close call’, something that could have caused death or serious injury. Those things make a person think and review their lives. Life here on Earth is short and fragile. It can end at any time. We need to be about our true purposes.

These same aspects indicate the power of detox regimes. You respond well to them.

Technically there are no eclipses this month, but many planets are activating eclipse points now – thus it is ‘as if’ there is a re¬experience of the eclipse. Uranus will camp out very near an eclipse point all month. This indicates dramas in the lives of friends and the testing of friendships. Children or children figures in your life are having their relationships tested.

The Sun re-activates an eclipse point on the 6th and 7th. This affects the children or children figures in your life and they have dramas. It will be best to avoid speculations during this period too.

Mercury transits this same eclipse point (the Lunar Eclipse of October 8) from the 8th to the 10th. Communications can be challenging; communication equipment might not work as it should. There is drama at the workplace and instability with employees. Mars, the ruler of your Horoscope – and a very important planet for you – re-activates this point on the 15th and 16th and we have already discussed this.

Your spouse, partner or current love has been financially squeezed during the past year, but this month their finances are much improved. He or she is in the midst of a yearly financial peak until the 22nd. 

Read free Aries Monthly  2015 horoscope  for your zodiac sign
Aries May 2015 horoscope