Taurus Family Horoscope 2014

Taurus Family Horoscope 2014

Your 4th house of home and family will become powerful from July 16 onwards, as Jupiter moves into it and stays there for the rest of the year. This is a wonderful transit and bodes well for happiness in this area of life this year. 

Often this transit indicates a more happy moment larger and more expaexpensiverters. But as our regular readers know by now, it is not always a literal move that happens. Often people buy additional homes or expand and enlarge the present one. Or they buy expensive items for the home, which makes things more comfortable and satisfying. The effect is 'as if' they have moved. 

Jupiter in the 4th house is a great career aspect for your spouse, partner or current love. There is success for them this year, and happy career opportunities. 

Jupiter in this aspect also indicates good family support, financially and in other ways. It shows that the family circle will expand in the coming year. Generally this happens through birth or marriage, but not always. Often one meets people who are 'like' family – who play that kind of a role in your life. Often these people are more supportive than even your biological family. 

Psychological growth in the year ahead is also indicated by Jupiter's transit through the 4th house. Your understanding of your personal moods and moods of others is enlarged. Those of you involved in therapy, either as patient or practitioner, should have good experiences here. 

Taurus people of childbearing age start to become more fertile than usual under this transit. And this transit indicates the prosperity of the family as a whole d especially of one of the paparentaligures in your life. If you are a woman it shows the prosperity and generosity of the father figure. If you are a man it shows the same thing for the mother figure. 

Moods will tend to be optimistic about July 16 onwards. And when one understands how the spiritual law works, the mood, the feeling of optimism always precedes the tangible event. Thus, happy financial and other events are likely. 

If the parents or parent figures are married, their relationship gets even better after July 16. If however they are unattached, there is strong romantic opportunity for them had even a marriage. Moves are not advisable for them this year, however. Better to wait. The same is true for children or children figures in your life. Siblings or sibling figures are prospering this year, probably travelling, but domestically it is a 'status qua' kind of year. They seem basically content with their present home and situation. 

Parents or parent figures need to take better care of the heart. Surgery could be recommended to them, but they should get a second opinion. They seem pre-disposed to see surgery as a solution and are perhaps too quick to jump into it.