Capricornus January 2014 horoscope

Capricornus January 2014 horoscope

Capricornus January 2014 Horoscope prediction:

Grand Cross in January will be an ordeal for Capricornus.It seems that your family, career and marriage will be completely a mess. By now, you will pay attention to the way of communication. The new moon on January the 2nd will happen in the natal house of, with the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, the Pluto all gathers here, these will give you energy, but unfortunately the phase of the new moon is disadvantageous. When come to the last half of the month all things are calm and tranquil then you can perceive more and earn more experiences. 

Capricornus  January 2014 Horoscope : Love

In January you might have an absent-minded manner to get along with your lover, so your other half will occupy a dominant in the chatting and activities with you.The other half will be your guide to make an effort together to promote your relationship. What you have to do is just to follow his/her footprint with no hesitation.In order to keep passion in love, you will need to spend more time and mind on how to get on with your lover.Sometime you will be uncomfortable to express your emotion and be too self-centered.For single Capricornus, you must be more active to find someone who makes you understand what true love is and experiences the subtleties of love which are usually been ignored.

Capricornus January 2014 Horoscope : Career

Diligent Capricornus are always the worthy assistant to base. There will have great progress not only in the aspect of the capacity for work but also in the interpersonal relationship with the workplace.Take advantage of this chance, take the first brave step up to another level in your career.It's difficult for you to keep a rigorous working attitude continuously, as you will easily feel slack.This month you will feel depressed and frustrated so that these will cause conservativeness in your thoughts and action ,even you have great passion for the job it's better for you to stay away from it as you are not suitable to make a decision at this time. 

Capricornus  January  2014 Horoscope : Finance 

This month you will be the luckiest among the 12 signs in term of financing.You are under the shelter of the God of Wealth wherever you go and whatever you do this month, it will make you feel more satisfied to share with your family and friends.Although you will have a great increase in your salary, your generosity to your friends will make you in short overdraft and affect your material life directly.Moreover, you will need to invest more to maintain the relationship with your lover, such as go out for a trip together.Don't miss any positive suggestion which is good for your financing, as for the investment they will have big fluctuation that it can't be too careful.

Capricornus January 2014 Horoscope :Health

At the beginning of the year 2014, you are energy which help you fight the pressure from outside, however, you also need proper sports to make you relax and enjoy the time to be alone.If you spend too much energy on social duties, that will distract your attention and make you feel exhausted.There will have a slight calcium deficiency with your body bones which you will need to ameliorate by diet.Be careful with hygiene of food when go out for travel or you may easily get gastroenteritis as a result of eating sordid food.

Capricornus January 2014 Horoscope : Advice

You are one of the hardest workers of the zodiac, and you always work smart, with a spirit of practicality and purpose. That's way Capricorn is considered the sign that produces leaders of industry. But this month you need to take a vacation or something as you are out of state, take this occasion to have a romantic date with your other half or ideal person.Usually you are willing to show you're cheerful and magnanimous even if you are in a dilemma, but you can be a bit more careful with financial management.Caution is the parent of safety.