Aquarius October 2015 horoscope

Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31
Most Stressful Days Overall: 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25
Best Days for Love: 3, 4, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23
Best Days for Money: 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24, 26, 27
Best Days for Career: 1, 2, 9, 10, 19, 20, 24, 25, 28, 29

You are entering one of the most successful periods of your year. On the 23rd, you enter a yearly career peak that will continue well into next month. Continue to focus on the career and let family and home issues go for a while.

Success is happening, but there are bumps on the road. There are two eclipses this month. Both have an impact on you. The good news is that many obstacles to your future success will get blasted away. However, it is not that pleasant while it is happening.

Lunar Eclipse of the 8th seems, on the surface, to be quite benign to you, but it is a pretty direct hit on the ruler of your horoscope. Uranus. Thus you should reduce your schedule and avoid risky activities over this period. There is no need right now to test the limits of your body. This eclipse occurs in your 3rd house and will test cars and communication equipment. These will tend to be more temperamental. Computer and high-tech equipment will also get tested. If there are inherent flaws in these things, now is when you find out and can make the necessary repairs and corrections. It will be a good idea to drive more carefully at this time and to see that important files and photos on your computer are backed up.

The impact on Uranus shows that you are redefining your personality, self-concept, body and image. Over the next six months, you will present a new image to the world. If you haven't been careful in dietary matters (and you should be), this eclipse can bring a detox of the body. A new you are emerging from this chaos.

Solar Eclipse of the 23rd also affects you strongly, especially those of you with birthdays from January 19 to 22. Take it nice and easy over this period. Stressful, risky activities should be re-scheduled. Spend more quiet time at home, watch a good movie or read a good book. This eclipse occurs right on the mid-heaven of the horoscope and thus affects the career. Sometimes it brings an actual change in the career, but most often the career remains the same although you approach it in a different way. These kinds of eclipses tend to bring shake-ups in your company or industry segment shake-ups or dramatic changes finality. The rules of the game get changed. (This is also a six-month process.) There are dramas in the lives of bosses, parents or parent figures.

Every Solar Eclipse test loves and this one is no different. You've expanded your social circle greatly recently and a good testing is very much in order. The sheep and the goats need to be separated. Repressed feelings come out for cleansing. In many cases (and this could be one of them) an eclipse of the love planet signals marriage or a furthering of the commitment to one another. The current relationship must go further or dissolve.

Aside from the eclipse phenomena, health needs more attention from the 23rd onwards. You are busy with your career, but try to schedule more rest periods. Try to schedule messages or more time at the health spa on your stressful days listed above.

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