Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 14, 15, 24, 25
Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 31
Best Days for Love: 3, 9, 10, 12, 13, 22, 23
Best Days for Money: 7, 8, 17, 18, 26, 27
Best Days for Career: 3, 4, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23
In August, the planetary power shifted from the western social sector to the independent East. This month short-term planets are moving to their maximum eastern position. So you are in your maximum cycle of personal independence now. This is the time to change conditions to your liking, to design your life according to your specifications and to have things your way. Now is the time to cultivate the virtues of personal initiative and to stand on your own two feet.
The other headline this month is the two eclipses that happen. This practically guarantees a major change the personally and for the world at large. When change happens (especially if it is major) things become tumultuous. The dust has to settle before the effects become clear.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 8th occurs in your 6th house of health and work. It affects you strongly. So takes it nice and easy over this period. It signals job changes, changes in the conditions of work and instability at the place of work. It can produce health scares. (but your health looks good, so they are not likely to be more than that) and changes in the health regime and diet. Both Uranus and Pluto are affected by this eclipse anus, your family planet, more directly. Thus there are dramas at home and in the lives of family members. If there are flaws in your home, now is when you find out about them so that you can make the necessary repairs. Try to make the home safer this period. Parents and parent figures should avoid risky or stressful activities this period. The impact on Pluto affects your body and image. You will be redefining your image and self-concept over the next six months. You will probably dress differently and present a 'new look' to the world. You want to be perceived in a different way. Sometimes detox of the body happens too.
Solar Eclipse of the 23rd also impacts the body and image. Anything left undone during the Lunar Eclipse gets handled now. This eclipse will be strongest on those of you born between October the 22nd and 24th. All Scorpios should take it easy this period, but especially the ones just mentioned. Major changes will be happening in your lives in the next six months. Every Solar Eclipse brings career changes and this one is no different. Sometimes the actual career changes; sometimes people stay in the same career but approach it in a new way; and sometimes shake-ups in the company or industry force a new approach. Your career strategy and planning will need to be revised in the coming months. Venus is impacted by this eclipse too. Thus, love will get tested. Good relationships will survive, but flawed ones will tend to dissolve.