Your 4th house of home and family has been a house of power since 2011 and this is the case in the year ahead and for some more years to come. It’s a very volatile area of life.
The family unit has been unstable for some years. Passions are running high. More freedom in the family, for you and for the family as a whole, is needed. Often Uranus in the 4th house shows break ups in the family unit – sometimes divorces, sometimes general fallings out. It will take much work and effort to keep things together, although it can be done if the work is put in.
Uranus in the 4th house also signals unstable moods and emotions. This can be both personal and with family members. Moods can shift instantaneously from positive to negative and back, which makes life challenging. You never know what to expect from the family from one moment to the next. This is especially true with one of the parents or parent figures.
You seem to be working to create a team spirit in the family but it is rough going. The intentions are good, but they’re not so easy to implement.
Uranus is your financial planet. His position in the 4th house shows that you are spending more on the home and family, and are investing here. But you can also earn here too. This aspect shows that you are working more from home. The financial life is centred in the home and not so much the office.
Uranus rules technology, inventions and innovations. Thus you are installing all kinds of high-tech gadgetry in the home. Perhaps things that relate to finance: financial software or financial hook-ups.
With Uranus in the 4th house, moves could have already happened and more can happen in the future. It is an aspect for ‘multiple’ or ‘serial’ moves. Sometimes what is indicated is not actual moves but serial renovations, serial redesigns. When you think you have the home exactly as you want it, you discover a new home or a new design or layout that is even more ideal.
This aspect often indicates people living in different places for long periods of time. Though you haven’t actually moved (in a legal sense) it is ‘as if’ you have moved a few times.
A parent or parent figure could have moved in 2013, and if they haven’t, they might move this year instead. The move seems happy. Siblings and sibling figures are having a stable kind of year on the home front. They are likely to stay where they are. Children or children figures in your life are likely to move from July 16 onwards. Grandchildren of appropriate age are having the home renovated or repaired. This seems to happen suddenly and unexpectedly.