Horoscope 2014 for Capricorn

Last year was a strong love and social year and the trend continues in the year ahead. Not only is love in the air, but there is more friendship happening too. More on this later.

You have been involved in personal transformation and personal reinvention for many years now, and the trend continues this year. Friends are helping, new technology is helping, but still it is hard work. Things will go much easier here – and there is success – from July 16 onwards.

Finance is so-so during the first half of the year. There are no disasters, but nothing special on the positive side either. This will change after July 16 and the year will turn out to be prosperous. More details later.

Career is active but very hectic, especially in the first half of the year. Success will happen but through much hard work, much effort. The main challenge is to integrate the career with home and family obligations. Again, there’s more on this later.

Neptune has been in your 3rd house of communication since February 2012. This shows that your thinking and speech are becoming more refined. For students this is a mixed blessing. On the one hand your intuition is strengthened; on the other, there can be a tendency to ignore basic facts. There is a need to learn to integrate logic and intuition. Each has its place.

The family situation has been volatile and unstable for some years now and the trend continues in the year ahead. As in past years, your challenge is to maintain your emotional equilibrium.

Your areas of greatest interest this year are the body, image and personal pleasure; communication and intellectual interests; home and family; love and romance (until July 16); sex, personal reinvention, estates, taxes, debt and occult studies (after July 16 ); and friends, groups and group activities.
Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are love and romance (until July 16); sex, personal reinvention, estates, taxes, debt and occult studies (after July 16); friends, groups and group activities (until February 19); and career (after February 19).