Horoscope 2014 for Aquarius

Saturn has been in your 10th house of career since October 2012 and will be there for almost all the year ahead (he leaves on December 24). This is challenging for the career, but if handled properly will bring lasting success. More details on this later.

When Jupiter entered Cancer in June 2013 you entered a prosperity cycle which continues well into the year ahead. Many of you landed good jobs – dream jobs – and this can still happen under this aspect in the year ahead.

Neptune has been in your money house since February 2012 and will be there for many years to come. Your financial intuition is superb these days. You are going deeper into the spiritual dimensions of wealth – the very essence and source of it. This is a long-term trend that will continue for many years to come. More on this later.

On July 16 Jupiter will enter your 7th house of love, marriage and social activities. This will initiate a happy and expanded love life which should continue well into next year. Love is in the air and you’re being prepared for it. Again, there is more on this later.

Health is basically good this year. However, after July 16 you will have two long-term planets in stressful alignment with you so it will need more watching. See later for more details.

Uranus, your ruling planet, is involved in a long-term Grand Square until July 26, which is highly unusual. You are involved in a large project or undertaking – very large. You seem personally involved here; it’s something that you are doing for yourself.

Your areas of greatest interest this year are finance; communication and intellectual interests; health and work (until July 16); love and romance (after July 16); career; and spirituality.

Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are health and work (until July 16); love and romance (after July 16); career (until February 19); and religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel (after February 19).