Cancer Self-improvement Horoscope 2014

Cancer Self-improvement Horoscope 2014

With Uranus in your career house now and for many years to come you are likely to be bored with 'same old, same old' kinds of careers. You need a career that offers a lot of variety and change, where assignments change periodically. Often this favour a 'freelance' kind of career. But if you can get this variety within your present career path, it would be good. Also it seems important
To be original in your career path. Don't even attempt to copy what others are doing won't work for you. Your innate originality should be explored.

Neptune has been in your 9th house since February 2012. Thus your religious ideas, your personal philosophy of life, your world view are becoming more spiritualized. You are able (and this ability will increase in future years) to interpret personal and world events from a more spiritual perspective, to see them as outcomes of Higher Forces. This will change many other aspects of your life and improve your psychological reactions to things. This year and in coming years, I see religious paths that are more mystical and experiential. The dry study of scripture or robotic repetition of prayers is not for you. Every religion has its mystical tradition and this is what you should seek out now. This will bring more fulfilment and satisfaction.

Saturn has been in your 5th house of children since October 2012. Thus, the Cosmos is bringing this area into right order.

Disciplining children or children figures in your life is a high art form. It needs to be done, 'just so'. Too much (and this seems the tendency these days) and you stifle the child and instil fear into his or her allotment can be stunted. Too little, and you have chaos d this too is harmful to the child. If a behavioural problem could have been dealt with at a young age and, later on, the child commits some crime or heinous act e karma will be yours as much as the child's. Children need freedom. It is true. But freedom has to be within limits. Certain lines cannot be crossed. Destructive behaviour should be punished swiftly t in anger but firmly. This right balance of freedom and limits is the main lesson to learn in the year ahead.