Horoscope 2014 for Cancer

Horoscope 2014 for Cancer

The year 2011 was extremely challenging; 2012 was challenging as well but less so. In 2013, however, things began to get easier. It's as if you have come through a long dark tunnel and now you are in the light. Health is much improved over the previous few years, but it still needs attention. There's more on this later.

In spite of all the challenges you've been facing, many nice things are happening. In 2013, June 2626 ve entered your own sign of Cancer, beginning a multi-year prosperity cycle for you. This prosperity cycle is in full swing in 2014.

For the first seven months of 2014 (until July 26) there is a Grand Square pattern in the heavens that affects you very strongly.

You seem involved in some large, major undertaking. Something big. Something larger than life. Perhaps you are founding a business or some institution. Perhaps you are intimately involved in this on behalf of others. These things are exciting but delicate and stressful.

However, with Jupiter in your own sign it looks successful.

The love situation was good in 2013 and seems good in 2014 as well. Many of you met a special someone and many of you got involved in a relationship that was 'like' a marriage. The romantic opportunities were there and this continues. More details later.

Uranus has been in your 10th house of career since 2011. This has meant there has been much career change and instability happening. These changes are not just personal, but affect your industry, your profession and the company you work for too. The good news is that the career is very exciting amorous even. There's never a dull moment. Anything can happen at any time. It
keeps the adrenaline flowing. This trend continues in the year ahead.

Your most important areas of interest this year are the body, image and personal pleasure (until July 16); finance (after July 16); home and family (until July 26); children, fun and creativity; love, romance and social activities; religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel; and career.

Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are the body, image and personal pleasure (until July 16); finance (from July 16 onwards); children, fun and creativity (until February 19); and home and family (from February 19 onwards).