Coming through 2011 and 2012 with your health and sanity intact was quite an achievement. The year ahead has its challenges, but now you have the mental optional musculature to handle them. You should get through with flying colours. In spite of all the challenges, there are many nice things happening this year. You will earn every last bit of their t they will happen.
Last year on June 26 you entered a very strong and successful career period. This continues in the year ahead (until July 16). You rise in your company or profession and many happy career opportunities are coming as well. There's more on this later.
The love situation has been exciting but unstable for some years now on 2011. However, there is romance in the year ahead.
It is only the stability of it that is in question. Jupiter's move into your 11th House on July 16 shows that the social life in general is good and that you are making new and important friends. Again, there's more on this later.
Like last year, Saturn will be in your money house. There is a need to reorganize and restructure the finances. Perhaps you feel money is tight because of the extra responsibilities. But if you shift things around you will have all the resources that you need.
Your health needs watching this year, but you've been through worse. Details below.
Your major areas of interest this year are the body, image and personal pleasure (until July 26); finance; home and family; health and work; love and romance; career (until July 16); and friends, groups and group activities (from July 16 onwards).
Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year is finance (until February 19); the body, image and personal pleasure (from February 19 onwards); career (until July 16); and friends, groups and group activities (after July 16).