You are just coming out of a very social period in your life. Many of you got involved in serious romances or relationships that were like marriages. Your social goals seem to have been attained and your focus now shifts to helping your spouse, partner or current love make more money. More details on this later.
Sagittarians are always great travellers, regardless of the transits and aspects of the Horoscope. This is just their nature. But this year – after July 16 – we see more travel than usual. It will be a happy kind of year. You get to do what you most love.
Jupiter’s move into Leo on July 16 is also a favourable aspect for students. If you are applying to a college or university there is good news and good fortune. Those already attending colleges have success in their studies.
Your spiritual life has been undergoing much change and ferment since 2011, and the trend continues in the year ahead. You are experimenting in this area, now trying one teaching, then another, then another. On the spiritual level you are like the wandering beggar in search of wisdom. The wandering is not over yet, although pretty soon it will be and you’ll settle into one path and work with it.
The year ahead – especially until July 16 – seems like a sexually active kind of year. Regardless of your age or stage in life, there is more interest here than usual. But this period is also wonderful for personal reinvention, for giving birth to your ideal self, your ideal body. Many of you have been deeply involved in these kinds of projects for many years.
Children or children figures in your life are bit difficult to handle these days. In fact, they have been a challenge since 2011. Give them as much freedom as possible as long as it isn’t destructive. There’s more on this later.
Your major areas of interest (and you have many) this year are finance; home and family; children, creativity and fun; sex, personal reinvention, estates, taxes and occult studies (until July 16); foreign travel, higher education, religion and philosophy (after July 16); friends, groups and group activities (until July 26); and spirituality.
Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are sex, personal reinvention, estates, taxes and occult studies (until July 16); foreign travel, higher education, religion and philosophy (from July 16 onwards); spirituality (until February 19); and friends, groups and group activities (after February 19).