Horoscope 2014 for Scorpio

Saturn has been in your sign since October 2012 and will be there for practically all of the year ahead (until December 24). This is a serious time in your life. You are managing to have some fun, but you have a more serious outlook. You are thinking of your future and perhaps even old age – and this is true even for younger Scorpios. You are more ambitious than normal and have a strong work ethic. You are thinking about what you came here to do and how to go about doing it. Generally too much seriousness can lead to pessimism – a negative outlook on things and the future. But it need not be so. You can, through your work and discipline, create a happy and joyous future for yourself.

Health and energy are also affected by this transit of Saturn. There’s more on this later on.

Saturn in your own sign shows a need to take a low profile. There’s no need right now to flaunt yourself or your achievements. Shine, but shine silently, like the Sun.

Your serious attitudes and work ethic bode well for the career this year. On July 16, Jupiter will enter your 10th house of career, and this generally brings success, elevation, promotion and even honours. More on this later.

Pluto, the ruler of your Horoscope, has been in your 3rd house for some years now and will be there for many years to come. This shows a strong focus on communication and intellectual interests. This is a wonderful aspect for students (especially those below college level), teachers, writers and journalists. The mind will tend to be sharp and clear.

Jupiter is in your 9th house for the first half of the year. Thus there is more foreign travel in your life, until July 16.This is another wonderful aspect for students – but more for those at college or postgraduates. There is good fortune here.

Neptune has been in your 5th house of fun and creativity since February 2012. This shows that your leisure activities are becoming more spiritual and refined. A meditation seminar or spiritual lecture might be more interesting to you than a night out on the town. This aspect also shows inspired creativity, especially for those in the arts and those who have prepared themselves to receive it. Children and children figures in your life are more spiritual and sensitive.
Uranus has been in your 6th house of health and work since 2011. Thus there are many job changes happening, and dramatic changes in the health regime. More details on this later.

Your areas of greatest interest this year are the body, image and personal pleasure; communication and intellectual interests; children, fun and creativity; health and work; foreign travel, higher education, religion and philosophy (until July 16); and career (from July 16 onwards).

Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are the body, image and personal pleasure (until February 19); spirituality (from February 19th onwards); foreign travel, higher education, religion and philosophy (until July 16); and career (after July 16).